BWI Experiences
Buying Real Estate abroad doesn't have to be so hard
We make it easy for The Diaspora to find properties they like in the countries they love.
Let's Make That Dream A Reality
hand picked locations
We do the homework for you and find top places to explore real estate in the world. The countries we pick are safe and welcoming for People of Color.
expert led tours
Our tours are led by local real estate experts who know the hidden gems of each location. Learn what areas are budding with opportunities and make trust- worthy connections.
Cultural Connections
We take you on cultural and fun tours throughout your stay. Learn cultural dances in Ghana, take a private yacht in Bali, or join a cooking class in Italy! You'll be sure to build lasting friendships along the way!
- Private Real Estate Workshops
- Learn Financing Options
- Connect With Developers
- Make Like- Minded Friends
Payment Plans From $200 / Per Month
8 Days/ 7 Nights
Explore Ghana’s Cultural Heritage, Discover Real Estate in Accra and its surrounding towns
Payment Plans From $200 / Per Month
8 Days/ 7 Nights
Explore International Real Estate; Experience Tuscany, and visit the Eternal City of Rome
BWI Experiences
Travel with A purpose
BWI Experiences is a program offered to the BWI community in an effort to help individuals grow their portfolios and retire abroad.
Founder, Schelo D Collier, created this program to help more Black Women stretch their retirement dollars and afford to live a life they deserve. Through BWIE travelers can find opportunities to buy, live and rent abroad, get fully connected with local real estate professionals, and enjoy the comfort of their trip being completely planned for them.
Eliminate the daunting task of house hunting in a foreign country and embark on a transformative journey with BWI Experiences.